Calling All Nurses
As newly retired nurses, we continue our passion for helping the public understand the scope, challenges, and rewards of contemporary nursing practice, using the lived experiences of point of care nurses. In Season 1 we spoke with nurses making change with challenges of social concern, such as Indigenous health, the toxic drug poisoning crisis, planetary health, public health and the pandemic, and challenges in acute care.
In Season 2, we are speaking with nurses in positions of influence provincially, in B.C., nationally, in Canada, and internationally. Season 2 is available now!
Calling All Nurses
Calling All Nurses Episode 7 - Colleen Salter and First Nations Health and Wellness
The First Nations Health Authority [FNHA] is the first and only provincial health authority in Canada, working to transform and reform the way health care is delivered to First Nations people in BC. The FNHA works towards the health and wellness of all First Nations in BC through its unique approach to wellness and its support of community wellness activities. ( FNHA, 2023).
Colleen Salter is a graduate of NIC Bachelor Science in Nursing 2014 and has since completed a Master of Leadership (Health concentration) at Royal Roads University. Colleen currently works with the First Nations Health Authority as Director, Mental Wellness Clinical Services and lives on the unceded lands of the Kwakwaka’waka peoples. When not working, Colleen is dragon boating or enjoying the outdoors biking and hiking.
First Nations Health Authority:
UNDRIP: United Nations Declaration On The Rights Of Indigenous Peoples - https://www.un.org/development/desa/indigenouspeoples/wp-content/uploads/sites/19/2018/11/UNDRIP_E_web.pdf
Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Calls to Action - https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/british-columbians-our-governments/indigenous-people/aboriginal-peoples-documents/calls_to_action_english2.pdf
In Plain Sight Full Report: https://engage.gov.bc.ca/app/uploads/sites/613/2020/11/In-Plain-Sight-Full-Report-2020.pdf
The Village Workshop Series: https://villageworkshopseries.com/
Medicine Unbundled: https://www.heritagehouse.ca/book/medicine-unbundled/
Instagram: @calling.all.nurses
Comments and feedback can be sent to our email: callingallnurses.podcast@gmail.com